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Woman of color. Seasoned education and nonprofit leader. Coach, advisor, and keen observer of people and teams. Partnership-minded facilitator and guide. 

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In pursuit of just and equitable systems for all



To create a world where anyone, in any space they occupy, can express their full humanity and show up as their most authentic selves–no questions or doubts.



  • Equity: Facilitating systems and structures that are just, culturally responsive, and anti-racist

  • Community: Leaning away from individualism and toward a collective way of thinking and acting

  • Authenticity: Showing up as our full selves and centering humanity as a way to promote and empower inclusion

  • Truth Telling: Using reflection and honesty with self and others to move towards liberation

My Story

I have been passionate about equity for as long as I can remember, maybe because as the youngest of five, I always wanted everything to be “fair” (read: equitable) between my siblings. In middle school, I was asked to facilitate

conversations with elementary school students on racism and anti-semitism. I served as a peer mediator

for six years, coaching and counseling my peers through challenges, leveraging strategic questioning, and

listening. Throughout my schooling, I grew more curious and passionate about equity.


Little did I know that this early foundation and experience would fuel my entire career, shaping my

professional life. It led to focusing on equity in school for kids who looked like me and my Cape Verdean

family members. I spent eight years working in education, ensuring that teachers, districts, and 

non-profits nationwide had the necessary systems and structures to be culturally responsive and 

anti-racist. That looked like coaching on all levels (e.g., for teachers, coaches, and senior leaders), as

well as designing impactful program products and large-scale professional development experiences. 



                                                                                    For nearly a decade, I taught, coached, and supported educators and

                                                                                    educational organizations on their implementation of anti-racist education and                                                                                          culturally responsive practices (CRP). It has led to 100% satisfaction ratings from                                                                                      coaches and 95% retention of teachers coached and trained in CRP.



When schools and organizations center student thinking, and their cultures and identities, and foster environments that allow for student choice, kids flourish as both students and human beings. And yet, I felt like there was something missing. As the students I either taught or supported were graduating and stepping out into the real world, they encountered various racist systems. Some struggled to be hired, while others found themselves in oppressive work environments.


As I moved through my career, I was often silenced when I chose to speak truth to power. I knew I

had to broaden my focus beyond education because there is just too much at stake. I launched Rachel

Vicente Consulting to transform all spaces we occupy so that everyone can show up as their full

authentic and liberated selves. 


It’s not enough for me to chase equity through my work — a commitment to equity is a part of my

entire being. I coach, lead, and design all of the experiences by honoring the brilliance of the people

who sit in front of me, either in person and virtually, holding space for their truths and struggles, and

allowing for inclusion and people to be the center. 


This work is tough and evolving — mirroring the country and our identities. I’ve spent my life asking myself questions to ensure that spaces are set up for people to be their best selves. The answers and solutions I’ve unearthed along my journey can help your organization become a more welcoming place, where people can truly thrive.


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"Rachel Vicente is such a keen observer, paying attention to unspoken dynamics that can easily be overlooked. She clearly sees each individual and the unique perspectives they each bring to the table. Vicente uses her voice to push for inclusive and equitable decision-making, even when it may be the unpopular thing to do. Rachel served as a model for what becoming an antiracist organization could look like."




I Speak Truth to Power: I use direct language as I believe that diagnosis informs treatment. If we accurately name it, we can disrupt it. This looks like: not mincing my words, using ‘soft’ language or resorting to niceties


Model Anti-Racism: I want to practice what I preach and I want to model anti-racist practices to help build greater awareness. That looks like decentering whiteness which can lead to white fragility and being incredibly intentional about decisions and how I operate

Focus on Intersectionality: I am always thinking about how our multiple identity markers are at play and will think through the lens of racial inequities but always considering the overlap with other systems of oppression


My Philosophy


Based in Miami, FL

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